$97.00 USD

Path to Healthy Hormones Course

Join hundreds of other women who have ended their battle with painful periods, PMS, bloating and fatigue.

What you'll get:

  • a self-paced course with over 15 lessons giving you the A-Z roadmap to balance your hormones naturally without restricting food groups, taking supplements or relying on doctors any longer
  • handouts and cheatsheets to print and quick-reference everything you learn in the course
  • Lifetime access to my private Facebook community where you can get all of questions answered and receive on-going education 


What People Are Saying:

Going into this year I had several adrenal fatigue, PCOS, and thyroid imbalances which all contributed to years of secondary infertility. The medical field wanted to put me on supplement after supplement, but Rachel just encouraged me to keep going on her protocol. In September I got the surprise of my life when I found out baby number 2 was on his way and on top of that I found out that my thyroid imbalances had resolved!

Rachel Y.

For many years, I jumped on every quick fix or diet program that was available. I know firsthand that diets will work until they don't and that being skinny doesn't always mean you are health. I was tired of chasing the next shiny object. I wanted to learn once and for all how to fuel my body with real food. I didn't want to count any points, calories, macros or containers, and I didn't want to abstain from foods that I loved. I wanted more energy. I wanted to sleep through the night. Rachel taught me all of this and so much more. Plus, it is so easy to follow. I have learned how to listen to the needs of my body and don't have to overthink about my food choices anymore. I have more energy. I'm happier than I have been in a long time. And, the best part, I'm sleeping better than I have in years. I'm so glad I took Rachel's course. My only regret is that I didn't sign up sooner!

Colleen T.

I just want to share that today I'm celebrating a return of a menstrual cycle after being diagnosed with PCOS and have amenorrhea for about 10 years. I've learned this doesn't mean stuffing my body with salads and supplements, but adopting a seasonal and farm fresh eating approach in order to begin hormone healing.


I remember a time not long ago where I was following a bunch of fitness models on Instagram and even though I was envious of their bodies, seeing their relationship with food totally turned me off. The restrictive eating, and especially the fake food: protein bars, shake mixes, pre-workout, etc. I felt like I couldn't be in good shape unless I committed to that lifestyle. And now I'm in the best health I've ever been in and all I count are my 6 Power Foods and trail mileage.

Laura P.

Just 6 weeks in and my days are now full of energy. Rachel's course is the "program" I've been looking for my entire adult life. I hesitate to call it a program because what it really is far surpasses that. The Power Habit Lifestyle will end your search for a health and fitness program because what Rachel teaches is about living your life without food addiction, regret and illness. I have learned that the "all or none" approach is folly and sabotaging my wellness. I have learned how to build a plate of food that will fuel my adventure.


My latest physical showed a 30-pound weight loss and I was no longer pre-diabetic. My focus was to feel great and have the energy to pursue my passion. Rachel's course was the tool to do exactly that and more. I have energy, fit into my show clothes, feel great and spend time outside enjoying nature and my life more than I ever have. The Power Habit Lifestyle is how I live now and how I will live for the rest of my life. Thank you Rachel for teaching my how to live my best life!

Dana K