Join the Summit Fit Tribe!

At the foundation of anyone's health is their habits. No matter how you slice it, building new habits is how you get results.Ā 

Gone are the days of calorie counting, yo-yo dieting, and beating ourselves up on a treadmill. There is a better way. By sticking with ONE habit over a 30-day period, you are laying a strong foundation to get results AND maintain them. Grab your free, printable habit tracker and get started today!Ā 

Get the free habit tracker

"I've been able to climb mountains, travel the world solo and make it through devastating losses where I would have turned to emotional eating & bad habits. Instead, my Summit Fit mindset & habits have been my biggest strengths to carry me through all the obstacles and so many adventures."

Joellen B.
Professional Photographer

“I remember a time not long ago where I was following a bunch of fitness models on Instagram and even though I was envious of their bodies, seeing their relationship with food totally turned me off. The obsessive counting, and especially the fake food: protein bars, shake mixes, pre workout etc. I felt like I couldn’t be in good shape unless I committed to that lifestyle. And now I’m in the best health I’ve ever been in and all I count are my 6 Power Foods and trail mileage!”

- Laura

""I am feeling so good it is crazy! I am just not thinking about food as much. That is a goal I have dreamed of but never thought possible. Iā€™m not having any sugar cravings at all and just feeling at peace with my body."


Subscribe to the Weekly Trailblazer Letter

EveryĀ Tuesday I will give you a rundown of things I'm loving like new recipes, outdoor gear, workout tips,Ā hiking adventures, and more. You don't want to miss these!Ā 


Join the waitlist for the July Summit Fit Challenge & get 20% off!